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TDS Charitable Foundation Expands Mission to Transform the Private Rented Sector

The TDS Charitable Foundation was created with one mission: to raise standards in the private rented sector. Since 2014, the Foundation and its sister charity, SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust, have been key supporters of initiatives to educate landlords and tenants and improve access to alternative dispute resolution. Over the years, the Foundation has funded numerous organisations.

In 2022, the Foundation set out to adapt its approach to have an even greater reach and impact. To guide this shift, it launched its Voice of the Tenant Survey to better understand the key challenges tenants face today. The findings revealed that many of these challenges extended beyond the Foundation’s original objectives.

As a result, the Foundation applied to the Charity Commission and has successfully expanded its objectives, enabling it to support a broader range of projects aimed at meaningful, long-term improvement in the sector. While the charity will continue to focus on education, information, and alternative dispute resolution, it will now also focus on supporting those who are most in need in two new ways:

  • Providing support to charities and organisations that help individuals overcome barriers to accessing and maintaining decent housing in the sector

  • Promoting, undertaking, and supporting research on the best ways to assist those in need

Looking ahead, the Foundation will fund fewer larger projects, but each will be designed for maximum reach and impact, built on the basis of research and evidence.

A recent example of this new approach is the My Housing Issue Gateway. Due to launch in December 2024, this interactive website will provide tailored information and guidance and help tenants in both private and social housing navigate the redress landscape and resolve their housing issues effectively.

Through its expanded mission, the TDS Charitable Foundation hopes to make a lasting difference for tenants, landlords, and the wider sector.



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The TDS Charitable Foundation is a charitable incorporated organisation
[Charity number 1154321] Registered Office Address: West Wing, First Floor,
The Maylands Building, 200 Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7TG.

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