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My Housing Issue Gateway

The TDS Charitable Foundation has developed a My Housing Issue Gateway website to help private and social housing tenants resolve their housing problems quickly and efficiently. By offering clear signposting and tailored information provision, the Gateway directs people to the appropriate forum for making complaints and resolving disputes. It helps to reduce confusion, simplify access to redress, and increase tenants’ knowledge of their rights and available options. 

What barriers do private tenants currently face to accessing redress?

The housing redress landscape in the UK is complex and confusing, making it difficult for tenants to get the help they need. Depending on the issue, tenants may have to approach local councils, ombudsman schemes, county courts, tribunals, deposit adjudication services, or trading standards. The proposed introduction of a new private rented sector Landlord Ombudsman as outlined within the Renters’ Rights Bill, risks adding to existing complexity.

Although housing experts have long called for a single point of access to streamline the process of resolving housing disputes and seeking redress, no such solution has been implemented – until now.

The My Housing Issue Gateway service

The TDS Charitable Foundation funded the tech company PocketApp to develop the My Housing Issue Gateway website to help both private and social housing tenants progress towards a resolution of their disputes.

The website provides a signposting service and helps tenants identify the correct dispute resolution mechanism or resolution provider for their problem. It encourages the early resolution of disputes where possible and provides tailored information about housing rights and options in an interactive and user-friendly format.

The TDS Charitable Foundation and the TDS Group carried out two national surveys to better understand the housing issues tenants face and possible solutions. Read more here.


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The TDS Charitable Foundation is a charitable incorporated organisation
[Charity number 1154321] Registered Office Address: West Wing, First Floor,
The Maylands Building, 200 Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7TG.

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