4 The Community
Grant funding awarded to extend and improve the information, education, and support available to Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO) tenants in Rhyl. The project will be to recruit and train a team of volunteers to deliver the service. Their main priority will be to help individuals make informed decisions about their tenancies, plan and take action to avoid getting into disputes.
Cardiff Tenants and Residents Association
Grant funding awarded to enable the launch of a tenant education programme that specifically informed tenants about the key differences about renting in Wales as well as wider rights and responsibilities.
EFA London
Grant funding was awarded to enable the delivery of six-week housing rights and English language courses to 120 students in four London boroughs: Lambeth, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, and Greenwich. The course had the dual aim of deepening student’s understanding of housing rights in the UK and of enhancing language learners’ ability to solve tenancy problems.
Law for Life
Funding was awarded to develop and deliver training and information resources which were identified in the needs assessment report previously funded by the TDS Charitable Foundation in Round 3. The second phase of the project was to the benefit of both small and medium sized tenants’ organisations, who are better equipped to meet the needs of their communities through training, accessible materials, and more readily available resources.
The materials created can be accessed via our Resources section here.