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Round 12 - October 2018

Oxford Citizens Advice Bureau

Grant funding was used to provide tenancy rights information in five languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Italian, plus English) which was disseminated on direct website as well as partner platforms as part of a week-long campaign in February 2019 to raise awareness of tenants’ rights.

South Hams Citizens Advice Bureau

Grant funding was used to continue the previously funded project of an Adviser providing a range of energy efficiency information and advice, including offering free energy efficiency assessments, to low-income households living in private rented properties.

Shropshire Housing Alliance

Grant funding was used to host a specific area on the existing website for a bespoke YouTube channel enhancing information in an existing tenant handbook as well as allowing updates to be publicised in real time.

Ulster University Students Union

Grant funding was used to train and equip seven Students’ Union Officers, Advice Coordinator, Advice Caseworker and a member of Student Support with the OCN accredited Level 3 Housing Advice Training Programme (HATP). 


The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence [CaCHE] has been funded by the TDS Charitable Foundation and the SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust to undertake a 3 year, broad and diverse programme of research on issues relating to developments in, and operation of, the UK private rented sector.

The objective of the programme is to contribute to improving standards in the sector. This aligns with the key charitable objective of both the TDS Charitable Foundation and SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust to raise standards in the private rented sector by advancing education on housing rights and obligations.

The published reports can be found in our Resources centre.


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[Charity number 1154321] Registered Office Address: West Wing, First Floor,
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